When the Israelites left Egypt, their focal point was the promise land, to be a free nation serving the Lord. At different times and at different point between Egypt and Canaan land, they encountered many difficulties, among which are-
· Natural barriers and obstacles – the Red Sea and the Jordan River· Lacks – water, food, and meat· Confrontation and oppositions – close relations and nationsDifficulties of this nature create fear and unbelief, thus the negative attractions change focus. Rather than believing in God and focusing on how to be successful, ability turns to disability.The path to achieving any goal in life is not very rosy. A similitude of what happened to the Israelites in the wilderness happens to every process of any undertaking in life. Therefore, in the transitional period of your business, you are going to face difficulties, obstacles, challenges, confrontations, antagonism, even persecution. However, with your reliance on God and unshaken faith in your goal, you need to remain focus.Another illustration shows our Lord Jesus Christ walking on the water; Peter wanted to do the same. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and began to sink, (Matt. 14:26-30).What happened to Peter here is exactly what causes many undertakings or businesses to fail. At first, when Peter started to walk on the sea, he was focusing on Jesus who had permitted him to walk. However, immediately he shifted his eyes away from Jesus and beheld the boisterous wind, he started sinking. If he had stayed focused looking onto Jesus Christ and kept on walking, he would not have sunk.When we have a goal, there is bound to be problems, seen and unseen situations will generate and cause fear. Our focus should not be on the problem, but on where we are going. For sure, problems will pop up from time to time, we have to deal with them as they come and take it off our way in order to be able to press forward.If you think you will accomplish a thing without a problem, you are joking. You will not because of a problem to start thinking negatively or losing your faith or shifting your reliance from God to earthly help. Your dream, your vision, your goal or your undertaking is priority in order for you to succeed.There are problems, which you do not have the power to overcome, commit such problems to the judgment of God and keep moving. Do not allow others wicked scheme discourage you from achieving success through the right path.Do not allow anxiety to distract your mind from staying focused, especially, when you lack something.
Do not allow sentiment into your business. Associations and attachments are expert in discouraging and despising and can distract you, debar you or delay your achievement. They are destiny killers.
Beware of misinformation or evil report concerning your intended mission or goal; this would slow down your progress. Do not allow any evil report to distract you from being focus.
Distractions are what will not allow you to be focus. Lack of focus, springs up attitude and behavior that is opposing to the will of God.Whatever the nature of that distraction, remember to look unto Jesus, the author and finisher (perfecter) of our faith (Heb. 12:2). Stay focus and endure the pressure, which the distraction may put on you. At the end, when you are successful, there lies sweetness. That is the reward of being focus.
Lawrence B Abitogun is a christian book author and creator of Christian Edification online blog. If you like this Christian Peace Article and want read more, click Christian Business Tips
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